Why sweet potato can be bad for your teeth?

Because it is full of natural sugar and tannins that can actually harm your teeth and gum. If you are wondering if there is any sugar in the baking, here are a few facts to consider.

Teeth are protected by enamel. It is made up of three layers: dentin, the hardest part; dentine, the soft part; and capillaries that allow nutrients to pass through them. Dentine is thicker than dentin. When it gets broken down, sugar and tannins are released into the pulp of the tooth.

Your gums do not work as well without this enamel and can absorb many substances that will contribute to tooth decay. When they have been exposed to food substances for long periods of time, the bacteria found in them grow. Sugar and tannins are very acidic.

Baking soda is acidic as well. As the primary ingredient, it can neutralize the effects of your tooth and gum acids. So if you are brushing, use baking soda instead of brushing your teeth. While you are at it, try to brush your teeth twice a day instead of brushing them a few times a week.
Why sweet potato can be bad for your teeths
Baking soda will also take out the plaque on your teeth. Since you have just been eating sweet potatoes, your mouth will not be able to keep up with your teeth’s need for regular brushing. One of Norway’s best dentists Christoffer Bjelland says that on his clinic, Tannlege Bjelland & Co he experience that his patients form plaque and eventually lead to gum disease.

Baking soda can be used as a toothpaste and it is safe to use it right away after brushing. Just make sure you rinse your mouth completely after applying the baking soda paste. It has no effect if you use it more than once a day.

When you brush, some people might notice a little tart taste coming from their mouth after brushing. It is caused by the bacteria that the baking soda kills that are in your mouth when you brush.

So before you eat a sweet potato and expect your teeth to be free of any nasty bacteria, think again. It might be a good idea to brush your teeth regularly and try to reduce any habits that make your teeth less protective against bacteria.